Sales Ledger

Delcran Sales Ledger allows any type of organisation to control the way that invoices are tracked and collected. It is vital to the financials of any business that it has the tools to collect from debtors at the correct time.

By using an industry standard RDBMS, we are able to provide very fast processing speeds and access to historical data.

Customer accounts can be defined as operating in a foreign currency, there are no limits on the number of currency that can be used within the system.

Automatic payments methods are allowed for, payments can be set up as direct debits, credit card or BACS transfer.

Recurring invoices allow users to set up repeat invoices and have the system automatically generate the invoice when it is due.

Fully automatic preparation and submission of INTERSTAT & VIES returns’, system uses XML to transfer data to external sources.

Full reporting and analysis facilities are provided allowing reports to be produced according to users specified criteria. Reports can be viewed, printed, emailed or produced to spreadsheet.

All Delcran modules are fully supported by our dedicated support team.

Customer Service All customers needs are catered for with multiple currency, multiple delivery addresses.
Improve Cashflow Full credit control facilities are an integral part of the Delcran Sales Ledger. Allow outstanding balances to be monitored and collected in a timely manner.
Streamline Productivity Real-time system updates ensures that all staff access the most up to date data, decisions are made on accurate data.
Financial Analysis Revenues analysis is provide by sales area or product. Measurement of actual revenue against budget or forecast.